2024–25 Annual Cycle Open Now

What is your new, radical idea that will advance UVA and enrich the student experience? We want to hear it in our 2024–25 Annual Cycle, open now!

Proposals can come from students, faculty, and staff for an array of new programs and projects—everything from starting a new student group to supporting an innovative research project to seeding a University initiative. The Annual Cycle grants typically range from $10,000 to over $300,000, but there are no minimums and maximums vary based on available funds.

Key dates:

  • Now: Letter of Inquiry (LOI) forms are available in the grant portal and can be submitted today. LOIs submitted before September 1 may be invited to edit and resubmit.
  • October 1: Last day to submit a finalized LOI. From there, selected LOIs move to the proposal stage.
  • October 31: Proposal deadline. Decisions are made in December, with possible invitation to the next stage.
  • January 2025: Proposal pitches.
  • February 2025: Grants awarded.

Get started today. You may preview the LOI or Annual Cycle Proposal forms, and when you’re ready to submit your LOI, log on to our Grant Portal. Questions? Contact our Director of Grants, Amy Bonner.

Annual Cycle Tips

(Credit: Tom Daly)

UVA grant seekers, working on your proposal or considering applying for a Jefferson Trust grant? Consider these tips:

    1. Submit early to have more time for edits, and to refine your Letter of Inquiry (LOI) and proposal.
    2. Sell your vision. Pitch the idea. Focus on impact.
    3. Write for a lay audience. Reviewers are not always subject matter experts in your same field. You must write so anyone can understand it.
    4. Proofread.
    5. Check your budget – include all expenses, all revenues, highlight what portions you’re asking the Trust to fund. Double check your numbers and make sure it all adds up.
    6. The third-party authorization must be received by the submission deadline. Send that email immediately. They will not see the document, just the project name.
    7. Focus on your project’s novelty, uniqueness, or the specific niche it fills. The Trust has recently moved into funding research projects, but it’s often limited to efforts that bring students into the lab, is completely new, or clearly translational. Graduate thesis projects, existing projects, or projects that clearly could be funded elsewhere are not likely to receive a Trust grant.

Ready to share your idea?

Preview the LOI or Annual Cycle Proposal forms. When you’re ready to submit an LOI, log on to our Grant Portal.

Please reach out to Director of Grants, Amy Bonner, at 434-243-9078, abonner@virginia.edu, or schedule a meeting. An idea is more likely to be funded if we have a chance to work with the grant seeker.

Grant Projects in the News

Air Force cadets participate in Virtual Reality simulation training. (Credit: Dan Addison)

Our grantees have been busy! Check out projects recently featured in the news:

Follow the Trust on Instagram and Facebook to stay up-to-date on grant news.

Funding University Priorities: STEM Success

Students play Orgopoly: Organic Chemistry Gameboard, helping in their review of Organic Chemistry I and II.

This article is the second in a series on Trust grants that directly support University priorities.

Each Trust grant funds a new idea. Some of these ideas are in areas of particular importance to the President or Provost. ‘University priorities’ are not permanent but rather time-bound areas of focus where administrators put additional resources toward advancing UVA. Trust support can play a unique role in jumpstarting a project or program toward having an immediate impact.

Student success in science and mathematics courses and exposure to technology or engineering fields, collectively known as STEM, is a current University priority and one that the Trust has supported often.

The University’s STEM Initiatives are vast and when combined with individual school efforts can manifest in everything from maker spaces to calculus tutoring to biomedical research. Each element helps shape the UVA experience for all, and the advances the positive outcomes this education and research can have in a tech-driven world.

STEM is ever-changing, and fresh ideas are always being introduced to advance the field. In the last two years alone, the Trust has helped jumpstart many of these projects such as:

Beyond this direct support, the Trust is committed to being part of the STEM ecosystem across Grounds, funding ideas and fostering innovation that will make UVA an event better place.