Gifts to the Jefferson Trust provide the early-stage funding for important, innovative projects like the ones described in our newsletter and on our website. On average, we only have the resources to provide grants to less than one-third of those deserving support. We ask that you consider making a gift to help us further develop this unique program of enormous impact to the University. There are many donation options available, including multi-year pledges, cash, gifts of stock/bonds, real estate or other personal property, and in some cases, planned or deferred gift vehicles.
All contributions to the Trust from alumni, parents, students and friends are counted as part of the University campaign, giving societies and class gifts, if made during the reunion year.
Donors who wish to make leadership gifts to the endowment and become members of the Board of Trustees have the additional opportunity to make the decisions on the use and strategic investment of endowment earnings. To become a part of this distinguished group of alumni and parents, please contact Kaye Forsman, Jefferson Trust Senior Director of Development at 434-243-8118 or Thank you!