Every grant has a dollar sign, but each is much more than a funding allocation. It is a promise from the grantees to make their dream a reality. For the Trust, it is a promise to support the grant and maximize its outcomes. Trust grants are not a sink-or-swim scenario; they’re a partnership in reaching a common goal.
One of the best and longest lasting ways the Trust has provided additional support is through the Trustee Liaison Program. This program pairs a Trustee with a grant to provide whatever help is needed; from problem solving to promoting successes. It is a great way to build a community of innovation.
On April 29, we hosted our first Grantee Summit, bringing grant directors and Trustees together for roundtables, panel discussions, and networking opportunities around scaling, promoting, pitching, and funding project and program growth. By all accounts, the event was a success, and we look forward to expanding it in the future to include more members of the UVA Community.
“Finding funding, drafting a press release, working with community partners. These are universal topics, and if we can help more members of the University be more successful in their work, we’re doing the right thing,” said Brent Percival, Executive Director of the Jefferson Trust.
Finally, we saw during the pandemic how important it is to ‘check in’ and in the COVID time-warp, a year could feel like an eternity. The Trust’s Outcomes Committee has developed a simple quarterly update form that grantees can use to deliver feedback, voice an issue, or share a success story. This more regular dialogue will help keep grantees connected and show that we are with them in this journey.
We are confident every grant will be successful but if there are tips and tools, we can provide to make them even better, we are all in.